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A short form this year, 10 basic questions.
As in all years, they ask name and age and relationship to the main home owner or renter of all who live there.
They are asking race info, mostly wanting to count hispanics for some reason.
There will be other surveys partnered with the census by another polling company, and that is NOT the same.
Then census not only determines how many representatives your state gets in congress, but how the money in taxes is portioned out to your city, county and state by how many are living there.
If there are so many kids of school age in your district that is how they figure the money divisions.
Also, much info that is asked in years where the long form is sent out, is used for statistics that are allowed to be used for other companies, and organaizations after all personal information is removed.
Originally it took more than the 10 years between census’ to compile the info, now it is much faster<G>.
You are legally required to participate, and if you don’t, they will send out people to collect the info.

they will revoke your voting privileges, as per our town.

Hmm, you’re right. The short form questions are not probing any farther than they ought.

I’ve been hearing that cooperating with the “American Community Survey” is still mandatory. Is that wrong?

We were required to fill out the ACS about 10 years ago when we lived in SE Houston.  It was a very long survey, and very invasive.  We answered the general questions, but skipped the invasive questions.  Thankfully there were not any repercussions.  And yes, we are members of HSLDA…

...just thought you would want to know.

Did the site figure out that the video was removed? The page just has a line of text now…guess I need to call it a day.

You posted the comment at just the right time that I could edit it fast. raspberry

That’s funny…I was tired enough I had one of those moments, that I assume non-technical people have, where it seemed like magic…now you see it, now you don’t…was it ever there? Did I just dream it?

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